All things geeky and feminist, from discussing gender roles in speculative fiction, to looking at women's representation in gaming, film and TV, to working out how to make geek spaces and industry more inclusive.
We will celebrate our storytellers and female superheroes, and we will look forward, and discuss how we can make geekdom a better place for us all.
This will be an intersectional and varied programme of panel discussions, talks and socials and we welcome you to join us. If you've got a cool idea for a session, or if you'd like to be considered as a panellist, get in touch!
To quote Joss Whedon: "... because equality is not a concept. It’s not something we should be striving for. It’s a necessity. Equality is like gravity, we need it to stand on this earth as men and women... We need equality, kinda now."
Check us out on twitter for updates.