Nine Worlds ran from August 4th-6th 2017 at Novotel London West, with three days and nights of discussion, workshops, activities, performances and DJ sets. This page contains information and links about the event, and will be updated further as we corral together pictures, coverage, and feedback.
If you have anything you would like to add, or there's anything on here that causes you issues, please drop us a line at coverage@nineworlds.co.uk for adding coverage, photos@nineworlds.co.uk to donate photos, and info@nineworlds.co.uk for general enquiries. Also, have you bought your tickets for 2018 yet?
To get an idea of what went down, you can check out:
Meeting @michaelcarey191 while in cosplay as Mazikeen, thanks to @Nemone7! In the second photo that's a pen he is holding pic.twitter.com/L6xcT1J9N9
— Laura C (@Donna_Ferentes) August 10, 2017
We didn't have an official photographer this year, but many of our attendees and the occasional journalist stepped forward:
- Geeky Cosplay photos from Bleeding Cool
- Donna Ferentes Cosplay album on Facebook
- Annie Czajkowski took some lovely pictures
- Ruth Collier with some photos posted on the Facebook event
Event write-ups
Lots of people have written about this year's event in far more depth and eloquence than we can manage. We've gathered a small portion here:
- Elsewhen are lovely, and also our 2017 sponsors, so you should totally give them a visit and buy their books and stuff
- Lola of Third Vault Yarns writes of the Con in my Heart
- Matt aka @runalongwomble
- Sarah Groenewegen aka Nyssa
- Ness Thompsett
- ScribbleJotterAmy
- Gav Thorpe
- JL George
- Avery Delany on why Nine Worlds is so important
- Ace of Fandom
- Condition Tense blogs Nine Worlds. This is part 1, more to follow.
- Unicorn Death Race write up. This is part 1, more to follow.
- Another Place with a brief write-up
- Liwella's write-up of both Nine Worlds and Worldcon
- Jane Hanmer, of Tardis full of bras cosplay fame, writes about the weekend
- Mia Violet didn't have such a hot time of it.
Bleeding Cool's Rich Johnston also covered the event:
- Some panels that Rich was looking forward to
- How Nine Worlds is Changing the Rules of Comic-Cons
- A Queer Reading of Rorschach and Watchmen
- The Police Really Rather Like Judge Dredd - When Law Enforcement Talked Urban Fantasy
- The Remarkable Comic Book and Cover Designs of Jess Taylor
- Geeky Bath Bombs
- Queer Coding in Disney, Part One
- Nine Worlds might be moving to Birmingham for 2018
- Neurodiversity as a Superpower
Pen Tynan wrote us up in two parts:
Mike Brooks wrote a post per day:
Coverage of individual panels
Adrian Long, aka Eggwhite, draws elaborate 'sketchnotes' for each session:
- Friday - Access: LARP, Police and the Supernatural - a Law Enforcement Professionals' View of Urban Fantasy, Deeds Not Words, Visions of an Interstellar Future, Grey Members of a Congregation of Nightmare
- Saturday - The Power of Playlists, Access No Areas: Access Issues in Entertainment and Fandom, Redemption in SF, Creating Characterisation in LARP
- Sunday - Limits of Horror, 3D Printing Gets Smart, Watching a Galaxy Far Far Away
Andrew Knighton writes up a couple of panels:
Everwalker is continuing an annual tradition of individual write-ups:
- A preface
- Classical Monsters in Popular Culture
- Police and the Supernatural: A Law Enforcement Professionals' View of Urban Fantasy
- Choosing your narrative technique in order to have the desired impact on your audience
D Franklin live tweeted lots of items, then Storified them:
- Re-reading Mythology
- Get Out: The Horror of Whiteness
- Classical Monsters in Popular Culture
- A Dead Man in Deptford?
- Sex Lives of Goblins
- Representations of the City in SFF
- Truth or Fact?
- Promiscuous Unicorns
- Young Adult Panel
- Playing with Pride
Meg MacDonald live-tweeted items, and also collated various people's live-tweets and Storified them:
Videos and podcasts
Winkball made a video about Nine Worlds:
Several podcasts were recorded at or about Nine Worlds:
- Breaking the Glass Slipper. Recorded at Nine Worlds. Topic: Realistic Characters
- Box Not Included podcast, Episode 28. Recorded live, with guest Matt Baume. Topic: Cosplay.
- Box Not Included podcast, Episode 29. Not recorded at the convention?
- Nerd Vs World, includes a convention report. Pat Cadigan, Hacker Ethic w/ WatchDogs
Some live clips of performances and talks were also recorded:
- Who Let the Dogs Out? A live video recording on Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones
- 'Still Alive' sign song from Hap's beginners workshop for sign song
- MC Luke Skywalker performing at Bifrost Cabaret
- Yahoo News featuring the Lemmings mass-cosplay
- Video clip from DJ Lum's Hardstyle set
- Mixcloud from DJ Lum's set - Part One (hardstyle)
- Mixcloud from DJ Lum's set - Part Two (happy hardcore)
Claire Rousseau runs through some Nine Worlds highlights and a substantial vendor haul
- Man Friday was a film part-created by one of our content organisers, and screened at Nine Worlds
- PowerPoint presentation from Zombie Maths talk (Dropbox link)
- Text of the talk 'Get Out: The Horror of Whiteness'
- Cosplay write-up: How Maleficent's staff cosplay was made
- Cosplay write-up: Fiona's Gun from 'Tales of the Borderlands'
- Sean Roberts posts about their talk Language Evolution and Gaming
And finally, we'll leave the last word to Ents head Ash and No-Face, in this clip from the End of Con Quiz:
The #nineworlds evening which gifted us this moment... pic.twitter.com/aj3qXofsb5
— Clare Kelly (@katzillaargh) August 10, 2017