What is this?
We want everyone to have fantastic memories of Nine Worlds, so the Social Gaming track has made A Thing to help you with that! The game encourages you to visit different tracks, and see a wide range of everything Nine Worlds has to offer. It also gives you an electronic keepsake of the great time you’ve had this weekend!
How do I play?
In each track main room, there will be a prominent A4 laminate on the wall with a word related to that track on it. This is the track’s keyword.
You can use the keyword to put a message in a
bottle in two ways:
- Text 020 3322 9366 with the keyword then the story, such as “GEEK Lots of people love my cosplay! <3”.
- Go to the Message in a Bottle website on your smartphone. It will let you write a new message, and see everything you’ve written thus far.
During or after Nine Worlds, you’ll be able to go to nineworlds.habgames.com and see all your stories. The first time you go there, you’ll be asked to create an account. We’ll ask a couple of questions relating to whether you want to keep your stories private, if you’re happy to share them more publicly with us, and
if you’re happy for them to be anonymously tweeted by @9W_Stories during the Con.
You’ll also be asked for your badge number, which we use to prove you’ve been with us this weekend. We’ll also ask for your mobile number; if you’ve texted us stories, we’ll use that information to bring everything together for you. And we won’t share your personal information with anyone!
Things you might want to write a message about:
- I learned...
- I laughed...
- I made a new friend...
- I met an old friend...
- I played...
- I cosplayed...
- I squeed at...
- I ‘shipped...
- I danced...
- I saw...
- I made...
What if I want to write something not about a particular track?
There are two keywords available any time, anywhere:
- PARTY: for lovely things that happen during the evening and at entertainments.
- GEEK: for anything Nine Worlds-ish that doesn’t fit anywhere else!
This is a game, so how do I win?
Having a great set of memories of some of the awesome stuff you’ve done at Nine Worlds is a pretty good way of winning! However, there will be a small prize or two for people who have written stories about lots of tracks and stories that the Nine Worlds behind-the-curtain folks think are particularly fabulous. If you win, we’ll be in touch with you by text on the Sunday afternoon of Nine Worlds to let you know! We’ll need your mobile number to do this, so if you only use the website, bear this in mind!
What if I don’t want to play to win?
That’s cool. If you still want to use the site, follow the guidance above and use the keyword GEEK for everything. If you’d prefer just to have your memories in fleshy, neural form, then you might still want to follow @9W_Stories on Twitter, where stories from other people who are at Nine Worlds, who’ve agreed to share, will appear!