Social Gaming with the Haberdashery Collective (16+)
If you fancy a change from sitting down in a room listening and talking to people, come and play some more active games with the Haberdashers and other Nine Worlders! Our games will get you talking to each other, moving around, laughing quite a bit, firing Nerf guns, being a little silly, wielding foam swords, wearing blindfolds and much more!
(Age suitability: 16 and over, as this is a play space for adults. Please see habgames.com for more info.)
Friday: 3.15pm
Saturday: 10.00am, 3.15pm, 6.45pm
Sunday: 3.15pm, 6.45pm
All in Royal B.
London Bubble Football League Kickstarter Launch
Saturday, 12:15 - 1pm, Room 32
What's bubble football? It's football, with a zorb on your head! The silliest sport since Quiddich is launching a Kickstarter to fund a full London league. Drop by for cake and balloons at our miniature sized fifteen-minute launch party. Be the first contribute to the Kickstarter as it goes live, or just watch the video and enjoy the cake.
Behind the Curtain: Game-Making with the Haberdashery Collective (16+)
Sunday, 10:00am, Royal B
We encourage you to specifically pay heed to the people behind the curtain, for once! Join the Haberdashers for a gentle Sunday morning discussion, play-testing and game-making session. This session is primarily for those with an interest in games design, talking a little bit about what and how the Haberdashery Collective designs and evolves games, and sharing knowledge and experience on designing and running games. Please see habgames.com for more info.
In Conversation With Reiner Knizia - Award-Winning Board Game Designer
An opportunity to hear and ask questions of Reiner Knizia, the two-time "Spiel des Jahres"-winning designer of many classic board games, including Ingenious, Keltis, Tigris and Euphrates, and Wer war's/Whoowasit. Reiner will also be signing photos and any of his board games that you have brought, in the lobby outside Room 38 from 2:15pm. Interviewed by Matt Johnson."
Saturday, 1:30pm, Room 38