More than that, it's the complete convention booklet, with all of the information you might want about enjoying your weekend of awesome. Food, facilities, partying, the local area, access information, the code of conduct, cosplay rules, vendor information, maps of the hotels, and, er, details of the 400 sessions. It's a mere 68 pages long and comes in at a sylph-like 8 megabytes in size, in pdf format. You'll get a copy at the registration desk when you pick up your badge, along with various unspecified bonus items that may or may not be book-shaped.
If the sheer quantity of yay makes it difficult to find what you're interested in, you may also want to consider taking a look at the tracks on the website, many of which have published their own individual schedules. You can also browse the entire convention using Lanyrd, which lets you mark which sessions and speakers you're interested in and build your own unique timetable. It also has an iPhone app and Android offline-capable web app. However, be aware that we're still updating the information on Lanyrd, so it might not be completely correct until the week of the convention.
To repeat what we said in the last update: nothing is guaranteed in this life. Stuff will undoubtedly change unexpectedly, occasionally in good ways. However, there are so many amazing things lined up that we think your difficulty will be about what to miss rather than what to catch. Now click on the programme! And, er, make a cup of tea while it downloads.
EDITED TO ADD: the Steampunk session descriptions got left out of the printed programme - so sorry about that! We'll be adding an insert to the printed programme (you can download a PDF of the insert below), as well as tracking them on Lanyrd via the Steampunk tag.