Note - calls for participation in Nine Worlds 2016 are closed. This page does not represent the convention's current status, but has been preserved for reference.
Who are you and what are you doing this year?
The Moving Pictures content group at Nine Worlds aims to cover anything and everything to do with film, tv, cartoons, and anything else you can possibly think of as a ‘moving picture’. The moving picture has been the dominant form of culture for the last hundred years, and as such has had a massive impact on how we see ourselves and how we relate to the world. We’re interested in how issues portrayed in visual works of entertainment intersect with real life, how real life inspires and transforms visual entertainment, the barriers that people can face in accessing visual entertainment and, as technology democratises the means of production, how moving pictures are created. We’re also interested in explosions and giant monsters and practical gore effects and that bit when Max lets Furiosa use his shoulder as a gun rest. At Nine Worlds this year, we’re hoping to have it ALL.
Sounds interesting! What are you looking for?
We’re looking for sessions relating to the big screen, the small screen and everything in between. Want to run a panel about the treatment of female characters in the DC cinematic universe, a session about the film-making techniques used by David Lynch or a workshop on how to voice entertaining cartoon characters? Nine Worlds is the place for it!
We’re posing no limits on what genres can be represented here. All we ask is to keep diversity and safe spaces in mind.
Great! But what if I’ve never run a session before?
Don’t worry! You don’t need to have been in charge, or even been involved with a talk, panel or workshop before. You just need a great idea and the enthusiasm to see it realised as a great, entertaining session, and we’ll be here to help you with everything else, from start to finish.
What do you need from me?
A great idea and a commitment of some of your time, basically. There will be a series of milestones we’ll need to hit because we can’t leave everything until the week before the convention but do not worry: we can make this very smooth and easy for you as long as you commit to checking emails and staying in contact.
The only other thing we ask is an awareness of our focus on diversity and safe spaces. One example of this would be: all sessions involving discussions of oppression are subject to the ‘nothing about us without us’ rule. What we mean by this is, for example, white people leading discussions of race or men leading the charge on sexism won’t happen.
Anything else I should know?
A small number of day passes to the convention are only available for no cost to people who would otherwise be unable to give a session. These are allocated on the basis of encouraging diverse voices within the Moving Pictures content group. If you require any access adjustments, these can and will be made. Please don’t hesitate to ask.
Sounds great! How do I pitch to you?
Contact us at moving-pictures@nineworlds.co.uk with your ideas, anything between a line or two and 300 words will be fantastic by May 22nd. If you have any questions before pitching, you can also send us any questions to the same email address!