Costumes are a hugely important facet in creating the atmosphere at sci-fi events. We at Nine Worlds absolutely love it when folks come along in costume - so much so that we're hosting workshops on costuming so everyone from newbies to seasoned cosplayers can learn something new from all sorts of aspects of costume creation and design. Our costuming workshops aim to be accessible and fun, and will be curated by Lee and Rose, the team at Cosplay UK.
Making Weaponry - a demonstration of the different stages of making a sword and other weapons from a block of foam to the finished article
Tight Costume, Tight Budget - a catsuit-making workshop, demonstrating how you can make a one piece slinky catsuit for less than £15 - all you need is fabric, a zip, a sewing machine and common sense!
Authenticity - how to make natural dyes and choose the right fabrics for your cosplay: a talk on how to make your own dyes from ordinary (and extraordinary!) everyday sources that have historical precedence, and which fabrics would be appropriate for a Tolkien cosplay. Have your notebooks ready!
Bristling With Weapons! - a talk on all things weapons, from Selene's handguns seen in Underworld, to Jim Raynor's 5 foot long gauze rifle from Starcraft 2!
The Technical Stuff - Lee will show how he built and programmed a fully functional robotic hand from scratch, and how you can too!
Making an Elfin crown - a demonstration on making an authentic looking Elfin crown from the Tolkien universe using wirework.
The Armoury - sharing the secrets of making and wearing lightweight, affordable armour suitable for any armoured cosplay, from Norin to Iron Man!
Disney Princess on a budget - everyone's encouraged to join this demonstration suitable for even beginner stitchers on how to make a Disney Princess style dress. Easy peasy!