We're collaborating with London On Board, London's premier board gaming club and host to over 2000 members, to bring a schedule of exciting and unusual board games to Nine Worlds. There'll be free gaming running all day, so you can come and join in anytime; there'll be playtesting of exclusive prototype games from up-and-coming game designers; and there'll be a scheduled series of themed board games. Here's some of what we've got lined up!
Euro Classics
Where modern boardgaming began: simple but clever games where the next move may be obvious but the winning move may not be. Take part, be taught or watch demonstrations of several modern classics: Carcassone, Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan, Kingdom Builder, Tigris & Euphrates, Ra and more.
Friends and Traitors
We can all be winners, if we all work together. Easier said than done, when you colleagues can't be trusted. Take part, be taught or watch demonstrations of these games of trust & betrayal: Battlestar Galactica, Hanabi, The Resistance, Werewolf, Room 25 and more.
Justify Your Opinion: the worst games in the world (talk and discussion)
What are your least favourite or most hated games? What makes a game bad? What even makes it a game? Let's settle this once and for all in an all-opinions -allowed debate in which anyone is welcome to take part.
Deck Builders
A common game idiom: you play with a deck of cards. A novel twist: you construct your deck as you play the game. Take part, be taught or watch demonstrations of these games where planning is rewarded: Dominion, Legendary, DC heroes, Sentinels, Marvel and more.
Dexterity and Spatial Games
Wind down your Saturday with with games in which you stack things, balance things on top of other things and flick things along tracks. Take part, be taught or watch demonstrations of games where a steady hand and good eye are invaluable: The Climbers, Villa Paletti, Animal Upon Animal and more.
Stranger Than Fiction
From the big screen (or the small one) to the table top. Take part, be taught or watch demonstrations of games where the script has been translated into a game: Battlestar Galactica, Game of Thrones, XWing and more.
Card Games
Let's take it right back to the basics: a deck of cards. What could be simpler? It turns out there's a lot of things that can be done with a deck of cards. Take part, be taught or watch demonstrations of these stripped back games: Karkalaken Poker, Coup, Love Letter, Hanabi and more.
Space Games
There's a lot of it. Little surprise there's a lot of games set there. Take part, be taught or watch demonstrations of games where you fly, shoot, blast and explore the final frontier: Xwing, Space Alert, Galaxy Trucker and more.
Business & Negotiation
Let's do a deal. I'll have my people talk to your people. Together we can beat the others. Take part, be taught or watch demonstrations of games where a good deal is where you find it: I'm the Boss, Cash & Guns and more.
Party Games
Let's see the con out with noisy, stupid fun. Take part, be taught or watch demonstrations of the loud and raucous: Werewolf, Jungle Speed, Escape, King of Tokyo and more.
All Weekend
Try out new game prototypes from up and coming boardgame designers, and have your say about how the games can be improved before being sent to market!
Free Gaming
Come along, see what's being played and join in, or borrow something from the game library and start your own game!