All things geeky and feminist, from discussing gender roles in speculative fiction, to looking at women's representation in gaming, film and TV, to working out how to make geek spaces and industry more inclusive. We will celebrate our storytellers and female superheroes, and we will look forward, and discuss how we can make geekdom a better place for us all. This will be an intersectional and varied programme of panel discussions, talks and socials, with guests including Laurie Penny and Zoe Margolis, and we welcome you to join us!
Check out the main track page for lots more information on the sessions and the guests, and follow @Geek_Feminism on twitter for updates.
Sessions include the following - more to come!
What the FRAK is Geek Feminism?
Lady Geek: Making Technology More Accessible to Women - with Belinda Parmar, CEO of Lady Geek and Founder of Little Miss Geek
Big Damn Heroines: Feminism In The Whedonverse
English Premiere: "Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines"
Industrial Light and Ladies: The Women of VFX
Geek Chic: Beauty is (Science) Fiction - with writer and superhero Charlee Cheverton
Women's Worlds: Feminist Utopias in Literature
Take Back the Net: The Future of Online Feminism
Queens, Tomboys and Whores: The Women of Westeros
From Space Invader to Starfleet: Inclusiveness in Geek Spaces
Can’t Stop The Signal: A Geek Feminist Advocacy Workshop