We're delighted to announce that we'll be hosting a comprehensive, full-weekend, all-singing all-dancing fanfiction track at Nine Worlds. As well as the usual introductions to fanfic, we'll have a fanfic workshop just for kids, discussions of crossovers and AUs, a reading group, conversations about female characters and femslash, exploration of other fanwork media, a talk from the Organisation for Transformative Works and lots more - check out the full programme here: http://nineworlds.co.uk/track/fanfic
There's a summary below, and full descriptions on the main fanfic page - join the conversation via the Fanfic Track's own Twitter and Tumblr, and we hope to see you there!
Let's Do the Show Right Here: Setting up and decorating the fanfic programme room
Tea and Consequences: Welcome tea party and fandom moot, with optional Consequences.
Fandom 101: Nine myths about Fanfic
Fanvidding 101
The Joy of Writing Sex
Don't Keep it a Secret: Reccing and Reviewing Roundtable
What Happens Next? Fanfic workshop for pre-teens
A Very Peculiar Practice: The relationship Between Fanfic and Professional Writing
It's Not Just Pretty White Boys: Problematic Issues in Fanfic
Owning the Servers: OTW and AO3 in a post-"50 Shades" world
Mary/Sue: Writing female characters (original and canon)
Queering culture: The role of fanworks
Anderson and the Dinosaurs? Fanon and Cross-Fandom Phenomena
Late Night Vidding
“Hush, I'm Reading a Really Good Fic.” Fandom's Effect on Real Life
The Detective, the Werewolf and the Superhero: Fanfic Crossovers and AUs
Femslash and queer female visibility in fanfic culture
Fanfic reading group
It's Not Fanfic, it's Literature
About That Bar... Fanfic workshop on Crossovers and Aus
Alternate Media: Non-text Fanworks
Afterworld Party