Geeked is an illustration-led quarterly magazine with an urban feminist slant on art, culture and gender.
Twitter: @GeekedMagazine
Sofia Hericson (Editor / Art Director) is a multi-media artist based in London. She works as a Visual Merchandiser and Graphic Designer at one of the coolest bookshops in the world! Her favourite colour is orange. www.sofiahericson.com Contact her at sofia@geekedmagazine.com
Samantha Langsdale (Editor / PR) is in the writing-up stages of her PhD at SOAS, in London. Though she hails from the southern US, she is a long-time resident of the Big Smoke. Sam is a fierce feminist, loves profanity, and is constantly trying to convince her partner to have, ‘just one more pint’.
Contact her at samantha@geekedmagazine.com
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Geek feminism