Bifröst (does Ragnaröck) will be taking place on the evening of Saturday 11th of August in the fabulous Novotel in Hammersmith. Bifröst is a hugely popular event, and previous acts have included Amal El-Mohtar, Jay Foreman, MC Luke Skywalker, Deadpole Midnight Iris and Alex Watts. Returning DJs Mike Brooks and Elaine Scattermoon will then help you to dance the night away, and we can only hope No-Face will return again to lead the conga.
We're looking for performers for this year's Bifröst Cabaret. We also have a couple of notes on access and compensation.
Entertain us!
This year, its Bifröst 6 and we want to go full RAGNAROCK, but to do that, we need YOU.
Have you caught the flesh eating summer performing bug? Do you play music like The Doctor, tell jokes like spock or dance like Deadpool? Maybe you’re a poet like Paul Neil Milne Johnstone? Whatever your talent, we need you to join us in the sparkling lights for this year's Bifröst Cabaret.
We want it to be bigger and better than ever before but we also want our cabaret to continue to be brilliant, sparkling and diverse, just like we aim to make the rest of Nine Worlds, and we will be prioritising acts who have been marginalised in performance spaces and/or geek spaces. Remember this is a geek convention, so acts with a geeky twist are encouraged - think Not Literally Productions’ “I Ship It” parody, love songs to Sonic the Hedgehog, performance poems about your despair over yet another change to the plot of Game of Thrones, a comedically dramatic re-enactment of your favourite vampire’s most emo speech. Original work is wonderful, as is work paying homage to someone else’s, but we tread a fine line with copyright, so keep that in mind when honing your act. Also keep in mind that this is all supposed to be good fun for everybody and this is a wide community - acts laughing at rather than with a fandom or marginalised group aren’t going to go down well here.
Bifröst has also historically been a very queer friendly cabaret, so acts and routines with a queer rather than necessarily geeky bent are also encouraged!
If you’re interested in performing at the Bifröst Cabaret this year, please email bifrost@nineworlds.co.uk and put PERFORMER in the title, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Historically, Bifröst has not been an alcohol free space, may be inaccessible to people with photo-sensitive seizure disorders, and runs a large PA system - you should consider if this impacts your ability to perform at Bifröst before applying. The Bifröst stage will be capable of supporting d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing performers, as the hall itself is provided with induction loops, and the audio equipment in use will support dedicated monitor feeds for those performers who already have their own in-ear systems, or a hearing aid that accepts external audio input. Please let us know if you are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing and prefer to use an in-ear system, so that we can arrange to copy the response patterns from your general use hearing aids. In addition there will be a visual cueing system in place, visible from the stage. The Bifröst stage will also support performers with mobility impairments via a dedicated lift. Due to the nature of the stage we would like to request that performers with visual impairments alert us ahead of time, so that we may provide a guide, or provide training to a guide of your choosing.
Bifröst is a community showcase, rather than a professional entertainment, unfortunately we do not have budget available this year to pay for Bifröst acts. Comped tickets may be possible.