Neth is a British-American dual national who can’t remember a time before Star Trek. She’d spend weekends with her face pressed against the TV watching Trek, wanting to be Data, until one day she accidentally turned on Stargate SG-1. New horizons full of exciting shows opened to her. From there she found her way to organised fandom before LiveJournal became dominant.
After coming to realise other asexuals existed and she wasn’t alone, Neth became involved with asexual visibility. She worked on the election of the asexual flag and went on to help organise the asexual presence at the 2012 World Pride in London, and the asexual conference that followed. At last year’s Nine Worlds convention she chaired a panel about asexual stereotypes, and in her every day life Neth has found herself the closest thing her workplace has to a site equalities rep.