We're living in the future. Is it post-racial? Probably not. But join us for an exploration of race and culture in science fiction and fantasy fandom: we'll be hosting discussions of race in SFF, running workshops for writers writing other cultures, and celebrating the work of the people of colour who've taken us to the stars.
All in Connaught B.
Voices From Other Worlds
5.00 - 6.15
Readings from authors of colour on the theme of race and culture.
Guests: Taran Matharu, Zen Cho, Adam Lowe
Writing The Other: workshop for writers
11.45 - 1.00
How do you write 'the Other' without falling into common traps, harmful tropes, and clichés? Back by popular demand after last year's successful event, Stephanie Saulter will be exploring these issues in a writers' workshop, with exercises, discussion and a Q&A.
This Will Always Be Your Home: Race, Culture, and Fannish Life
1.30 - 2.45
Western media fandom, from zines to Tumblr, has been something special to so many people: a community and a home. We live here too - so what does it mean to be a fan of colour?
Guests: Iona Sharma, Frank Voss, Koel Mukherjee and Kelly Kanayama
Reading SF While Brown
11.45 - 1.00
For many of us, reading science fiction and fantasy was a formative experience -- one that introduced new ideas, and shaped what we knew or hoped to be possible. But what imaginative leaps does a reader have to make to buy into worlds that don't include anyone who looks or talks like them? And what impact does making that imaginative leap, time and again, ultimately have? Genre writers and readers talk about their experiences of reading SF while brown.
Guests: Aishwarya Subramanian, Taran Matharu, Camille Lofters, Rochita Loenen Ruiz