David A McIntee is the epitome of a Romantic writer, in that he spends most of his time a courtier to the lord Bacchus, and is an unremitting debtor who duels with swords. David has written more Doctor Who books than he can remember, an original Star Trek novel, several educational non-fiction books (including as We Will Destroy Your Planet, a practical guide for aliens wishing to invade the earth), and, most recently, Fortune and Glory, a Treasure Hunters Guide. His current passion is historical fiction, where he is facilitating the long awaited return of his ex-Templar antihero Guy de Carnac, and writing a steampunk Sherlock Holmes.
David has been closely involved with Redemption since 1999, when Lesley made the mistake of waving a plastic cutlass at someone with thirteen years’ experience of bladed combat, and currently holds the dubious title of "Hand of the Chair." His con alter ego is likely to be the War Doctor or a member of the Assassin Brotherhood – if people will let him get away from being the popular Captain Barbossa. Members of the public should be wary of approaching him without good cause. Or, at least, rum.