Guest list

This is the list of guests who attended Nine Worlds in 2013. The 2014 guest list will be different but equally awesome!

Roz Kaveney is a writer, critic, and poet, best known for her critical works about pop culture including Reading The Vampire Slayer and From Alien to the Matrix: Reading Science Fiction Film. The first instalment of her Rhapsody Of Blood fantasy tetralogy, Rituals, was shortlisted for the Crawford Award, and the second instalment, Reflections, will appear this summer.

Lilian Edwards is a Professor of Internet Law at the University of Strathclyde and a frequent speaker on matters of popular culture and technology. In her public talks she adresses such topics as social media profiles after death, regulation of robots, Facebook privacy, online free speech and Wikileaks. She is co-editor of Law and the Internet, and co-organiser of the Gikii conference on pop tech.

Edmund Weiner is Deputy Chief Editor of the Oxford English Dictionary. He co-authored The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary.

Marion Gibson is an Associate Professor of Renaissance and Magical Literatures at the University of Exeter. Her research looks into the British and American literature of the supernatural from prehistory to the present, focusing on witchcraft, demonology and magical religiosity.

She is currently working on the re-imagining in modern British and American literature of magical beliefs from prehistoric and ‘Dark Age’ cultures such as the ‘Celts’ and ‘Anglo-Saxons’ – work that includes literature, film and historical writing.

Professor Ian Stewart is a mathematician, science and science fiction writer. He's worked on the Science of the Discworld series, as well as Flatterland and Wheelers (with J. Cohen)

Dr Jack Cohen is a biologist, science and science fiction writer. He's worked on the Science of the Discworld series, as well as Flatterland and Wheelers (with I. Stewart).