The way Nine Worlds’ Registration operates will change slightly in 2017, with plans to use a new system that will make the process easier for attendees and staff alike. We are expecting to determine much of the process in advance of the event, and ensure that the process runs smoothly during it.
We expect to have a team of two taking responsibility for Registration: to share the workload, to build in some redundancy, and to bring in fresh ideas. Our Head of Registration from 2016 will continue in post in 2017, with a view to sharing tasks with, and training, a deputy. All Registration tasks will be shared based on availability and skills, with any “seniority” based solely on personal Nine Worlds experience and the need to have one person where the buck stops.
- An interest in events management - whether from a fandom or a career perspective
- To enjoy challenges - including solving complex and fluid problems, while interacting with a range of interesting people
- To be a confident and competent communicator - online and face to face
- Regular, frequent access to an internet-connected computer - All of our organising is carried out on-line, partly from necessity as it's difficult to get everyone in one place. We may be able to loan laptops or Chromebooks to volunteers for the duration of their role in organising the 2017 event. You will need to have frequent access to the internet, and be prepared to keep in close touch with the Head of Registration and the management team.
- The time and capacity to carry out allocated tasks - See below for details
Before the convention the busiest periods for the role will be July and early August 2017, but there will be a continuing overhead over the year as soon as you take post. Tasks required will be assessing, improving, and testing the plans for Registration, as well as dealing with any queries from future attendees or other parts of the organisation.
Meetings with the Head of Registration will take place as and when necessary, and there are regularly scheduled meetings by the management team, but those are beneficial rather than mandatory for the Registration Deputy to attend.
At the convention itself you will be expected to work shifts as agreed with Head of Registration, to liaise with all other relevant members of the organisation, assist with any registration related queries, and carry out other tasks as they are required. The focus of Registration is Thursday evening and Friday morning.
After the convention you are expected to relax and enjoy the warm satisfaction that comes from a job well done.
- Events management experience - Voluntary or paid work both count. This experience would be very valuable, but it can certainly be gained or extended by volunteering in this role
- Understanding of barriers to inclusion faced by marginalised groups - Membership of a marginalised or disadvantaged group counts as lived experience.
- Experience with Slack, Trello and Google Apps - Introductory training can be provided if necessary.
Reimbursement and justification
We expect this voluntary role to be taken up by someone who is not a professional event organiser in their day job, who would find volunteering for this interesting, personally rewarding and valuable for the Nine Worlds community.
In order to accommodate the requirements of this role, we expect to offer the deputy venue liaison a weekend membership to the convention, and a space in shared accommodation either at or near the convention hotel, from Thursday night until Monday morning. We may also be able to reimburse travel expenses. We are also happy to write appropriate references for our volunteers.
If you'd like to ask about or apply for this role, get in touch at jobs@nineworlds.co.uk. There's more information on applying on the main vacancies page.