The vampire track is still gaining momentum, but thus far the following workshops have been confirmed:
8.30 - 9.45pm. Fictional Vampires; Real World Problems: Taking vampires from the gothic and into the mundane.
A short talk on the evolution of the vampire mythos, followed by a discussion where we will puzzle out the ethical and practical qaundries vampires (and their fans, authors and roleplayers) face in modern, realistic settings.
Fandoms: Wod: Requiem, Anita Blake, True Blood, Let me in, Buffy, Anne Rice etc. Bring your own!
Age suitability: Moderate (PG). Vampires are vampires, but this is aiming toward the lighthearted.
Triggers: Mild discussions of fictional blood and blood drinking, and possibly some discussions of fictional violence.
10.00 - 11.15 Fangzines: Vampire created media workshop:
A creative space for making pieces of media from a world where vampires exist. Think bloody menus, anti-vampire warning posters, news articles or guides for baby vamps amongst other things. Let your imagination run wild and create something with bite!
Fandoms: Anything vampire related. Bring your own.
Age suitability: Moderate (PG). Vampires are vampires, but this is aiming toward the lighthearted.
Triggers: Mild discussions of fictional blood and blood drinking, and possibly some discussions of fictional violence.
5.00 - 6.15: Blood is fluid: Queerness and gender non conformity in vampire literature and film
A talk on the representations of queerness and subversion of gender roles within the vampire mythos.
Age Suitability: Discussions of sex and violence as well as sexuality. Not child friendly.
Content warnings: Discussion of fictional Sex, blood, violence, force, and pseudo-incest(Possibly others, will be finalised closer to the time).
8:30-11:30: Fangtasia: A multi-interest, freeform vampire roleplay session
Come one and all to Fangtasia, a modern set bar for all undead types, and those who want to mingle with them!
Interested in trying out roleplaying, but not familiar with any particular system? Not a problem... there isn't one!
There are only three rules to remember:
1)Remember that there are real people behind the characters, and don't let in-character rudeness become out-of-character harassment. If in doubt then take a minute to break character to ask!
2)If you want to step out of character then just put your finger up in the air so that people can tell.
3) If it looks like combat is going to break out then fetch a clearly marked moderator to mediate it so that the session remains contact-free.
If you'd like to reserve a popular or well known character to play then there will be a sign-up sheet running from now until the session itself, with established characters on offer to whoever makes themselves known first to counter the 'Ten Lestat' problem, but if you're happy to take your chances or play a character of your own devising then just show up on the day! Costume is encouraged, but nothing that looks like any sort of real weapon, please!
Age Suitability: Teens and above due to vampireyness and possible bad language.
11:45am-1pm Interview With A Vampire Expert. . . Human beings have a habit of believing in gods and kind spirits, but they have also believed in powerful and predatory supernatural creatures. We will go over the European folklore of the werewolf and vampire to find a unique
perspective on ourselves. Ran by: Deborah Hyde.
1:30- 2:45: Vampires and Romance: Breathing life into our love affair with the undead
Ever since Dracula skulked into the Edwardian bedroom nearly 120 years ago, vampires have held a special appeal to readers and writers alike, and have featured within many romantic novels and films. From Anne Rice’s enigmatic and tortured Lestat, to Stephanie Meyer's shining heroes, what makes the romantic vampire myth so enduring?
In this talk, we’ll give you a brief romp through the best literary and film offerings of the last century, briefly examining the role of heroine and hero, feminism and romance. These stories create a distinct and rich culture, into which a new author must stake a corner and make something new, all without abandoning what has gone before. The challenge is to create a new world, new concept and get readers to identify and empathise with these new, often dark characters. How do authors balance the element of horror with elements of romance? And how do authors tackle feminism and the damsel in distress phenomena?
And finally two new voices in the vampire genre discuss their own creations and identify what makes their stories so compelling reading. We invite you to come listen and take a small bite of vampires and romance.
Age: Discussions of sex as well as sexuality. Not child friendly.
Content warnings: Likely to be sexually explicit, as well as the usual blood and violence warnings appropriate for the vampire theme.
5pm-6:15 Pair of fangs: Two shorter sessions on the concepts of age and family within the vampire mythos.
Child vampires and childish vampires: Does age bring wisdom?
An interactive workshop exploring the concept age within the context of people physically (and in some cases mentally) incapable of change. How 'old' is Eli from Let The Right One in? Should Claudia be considered an adult? And why is it that when you put one century old vampire next to another one they end up bickering like children? Give your opinion on all these questions and more!
Fandoms: Let the Right One in, Vampire Chronicles, Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
Age: Content unsuitable for under fifteens due to source material
Blood relations: Vampire Families.
A talk on the portrayal of families within vampire literature, including the process and responsibility involved in the creation of vampire progeny, and the sex and power dynamics between vampires.
Age Suitability: Discussions of sex as well as sexuality. Not child friendly.
Fandoms: Anne Rice, Buffy, True Blood, Laurel K Hamilton, Carmilla, Lost boys.
Content: Discussion of fictional Sex, blood, violence, force, and pseudo-incest. (Possibly others, will be finalised closer to the time).