Not ones to shy away from controversy, we're covering both Tolkien's books and the films based on them. With talks by noted Tolkien academics such as Dr Anna Caughey and Edmund Weiner, to cosplay cross-overs and roleplay, there's something for everyone here!
Here's the full timetable for all the Tolkien events scheduled for Nineworlds 2013:
Friday 9th
Costuming: Authenticity (5:00 - 6:15): How to make natural dyes and choose the right fabrics for your cosplay: a talk on how to make your own dyes from ordinary (and extraordinary!) everyday sources that have historical precedence, and which fabrics would be appropriate for a Tolkien cosplay. Have your notebooks ready!
Born of Hope Q&A with Kate Madison (6:45 - 8:00): Following the Nineworlds screening of her film Born of Hope, director, producer, and actor Kate Madison will be joining us in the Tolkien room for an audience-led chat. Find out what it takes to create one of the most successful crowd-sourced fan films ever!
Saturday 10th
Costuming: Making an Elfin Crown (10 - 11:15): A demonstration on making an authentic looking Elfin crown from the Tolkien universe using wirework.
Roleplay Game: Setup (11:45 - 1:00): For those looking for a more hands-on experience with Middle Earth, this session will focus on creating characters and a world for a roleplay session later in the weekend. Players will get to intricately design their own characters for a smooth transition into a full game the next day.
Talk: Beth Tovey: Tolkien and Translation (1:30 - 2:45): Beth Tovey is senior research assistant at the Oxford English Dictionary, and a former lecturer at Oxford University. Her article on Tolkien’s etymologies is freely available through the OED’s website. (http://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2012/12/tolkiens-etymologies/)
Talk: Anna Caughey: (Nearly) Sixty Years of Reading The Lord of the Rings (3:15 - 4:30): Dr Anna Caughey is a lecturer in Old and Middle English at Keble College, Oxford, who has previously given talks at the Oxford Tolkien Spring School.
Open Discussion (5:00 - 6:15): A chance for die-hard Tolkien fans and casual skimmers alike to sit around the metaphorical campfire and share their experiences in collective geekdom.
Costuming: Making Weaponry! (6:45 - 8:00): A demonstration of the different stages of making a sword and other weapons from a block of foam to the finished article!
Sunday 11th
Roleplay: Gaming! (10 - 11:15): With the characters created the previous day, set out on an adventure designed to introduce players to the world of tabletop roleplaying in Middle Earth, with tips and techniques you can use in your own games at home.
Talk: Christina Fawcett: Tolkien's Monstrosity and Historical Ignition (11:45 - 1:00): Christina Fawcett is a Tolkien scholar and PhD candidate at the University of Glasgow with a passion for Monsters and Monster Theory, this talk should be an interesting take on the most fantastical beasts of Middle Earth!
Talk: Matt Voice: The Hobbits and the Critics - How Beowulf influenced The Hobbit (1:30 - 2:45): Matt Voice is a postgraduate English student at the University of Sheffield. You don't need to be fluent in Old English for this talk, which guides you through some of Tolkien's literary inspiration.
Talk: Edmund Weiner: Tolkien and Language (3:15 - 4:30): Edmund Weiner is the Deputy Chief Editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, and co-author of The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary, with an intimate knowledge of Tolkien's relationship with the many languages he spoke. NOTE: This talk will be taking place in the Academic track room.