Nine Worlds 2013 will have a dedicated knitting track. The importance of this manifestation of geek culture warrants more than just a crafts corner, so we've rustled up a whole weekend of unadulterated knitting-based pleasure. The treats we have in store for you are as follows, and check us out on tumblr for lots more knitting joy!
3.15 - 4.30 – Knitting at Nine Worlds
Meet the organisers and fellow knitters, decorate the room and even yarnbomb the rest of the con!
5.00 - 8.00 - Nine Worlds Stitch n Bitch
Socialise with other knitters and find out more about the knitting track. If you’ve never knit before, feel free to come along and we can show you the ropes. More experienced knitters can learn new tricks, swap unwanted yarn or simply hang out and knit. All stitchers welcome, so bring along whatever crafts you have!
10.00 - 11.15 – Charting in Excel
Bring your own laptop and learn how to create intarsia, fair isle and lace charts using MS Excel.
11.45 - 1.00 – Knitting with Repurposed Items
Sy Parker talks on recycling and repurposing old or second-hand items to make unique yarns.
1.30 - 2.45 – Yarnbombing
Lauren O’Farrell, head of Stitch London, gives a talk on knitting as graffiti (yarnbombing).
5.00 - 8.00 – Knitting as Fanart Masterclass
Sasha McKenna and Sy Parker take you through knitting as a form of fan art, focusing particularly on knitting in cult TV and film. Includes ‘knitting with the scoobies’ – taking you through original knitting patterns inspired by Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
10:00 – 13:00 – Introduction to Designing and Selling Patterns
A three-hour session teaching you the basics of knitting pattern design, as well as some tips on where and how to sell them.
1:30 – 2:45 – Make Your Own Zombie Jumper
Sy Parker takes us through the process of creating deconstructed knitted fabric with instructions on how to make your own zombie jumper.