Note - calls for participation in Nine Worlds 2016 are closed. This page does not represent the convention's current status, but has been preserved for reference.
Academia and Humanities is about the relationship between geeky subjects and academic ones. We’re interested in academic studies of geeky media, in looking at geeky topics through the lens of academic disciplines, in research by and into fans, geeks, and the things they produce, and in demystifying academia and making academic research and academic topics accessible and interesting for everyone.
If that sounds broad, it’s because it is. Want to talk about theology in science fiction, archaeology in fictional worlds, the linguistics of Tumblr fandom, or how to use academic resources to write really awesome fanfiction? We’re here for that. Or pretty much anything else you can come up with, really.
Never run a session before?
No experience necessary - everyone has to start somewhere! You don’t have to have ever given a talk, sat on a panel, or have run a workshop. We’ll help with that. Your job is to have an idea: as long as you’ve got one of those, we can help you find a way to express it in a session.
We really care about diversity. We’ve been in places which do it badly, and places that do it better. We’re trying to get it right:
- Access adjustments will be made if you need them - please don’t hesitate to ask.
- Discussions of oppression are subject to the “nothing about us without us” rule - no white people leading discussions on race, for example.
- Content warnings will need to be provided if you plan to cover potentially triggering or harmful topics, so we can let audiences know what they’re in for in advance. (If you need specific warnings, let us know)
How to suggest a session idea
We’re asking for informal proposals (up to 300 words) summarising:
- What do you want to do?
Do you want to talk on a panel about a subject with other people? Do you have a full panel idea in mind? A solo talk? A hands-on workshop? - What’s it about?
What do you want to talk about? Be as vague or specific as you like. - How it fits into the track
How is your topic related to academia or the humanities? - What you’ll need to do it
This can be specific bits of equipment (e.g. you need a projector), or more abstract things. What would be nice to have, what do you know you need?
Submit your ideas to this form, before midnight on Sunday May 22nd.
Any queries? Please contact us at humanities-academia@nineworlds.co.uk.