Note - calls for participation in Nine Worlds 2016 are closed. This page does not represent the convention's current status, but has been preserved for reference.
Hello, fanworkers and fanworks fans!
Below is a list of sessions that we need volunteers for. If you see an area that you're interested in (or would like to volunteer as a free-floating moderator) please get in touch. This isn't an exhaustive program; independent session proposals are still being gratefully received, so please, submit, submit, submit!
I am especially looking for participants from demographics that have been under represented in the fanworks track in previous years, either as contributors or attendees. This includes but is not limited to; men (especially queer men), older people, people of colour, disabled people and trans women, and we will be giving priority consideration to the inclusion of panelists and speakers from these groups when compiling our program.
No one is obligated to disclose any personal information about themselves when volunteering, but it can be very helpful in terms of ensuring that we not only have a diverse range of voices, but that the appropriate voices are centred (so we can avoid, for example, sessions about bisexual representation with a straight panel).
And just because I've said that I can help for most panels that doesn't mean I'm expecting to; I'm more of a safety net!
Sessions we need volunteers for
If any of these are your bag, get in touch today!
Evil schemes: centring villains as protagonists
- What do I want?
A content creator to run a session about writing villains and antagonists as protagonists within fan fics. I'm open to ideas with regards to format, but I envisaged it as more of a talking session? - What can I offer?
I'm willing to be a panelist, if its looking a bit sparse but I'm happy to hand this off entirely to others, and let the content creator choose the form and format of the session.
Nine at nine worlds: Shipping edition!
- What do I want?
Following from the success of last year's highly successful session of mini presentations of fandom excitement we'd like to continue it with Nine at nine worlds 2016: The shipping edition! To make that happen we need nine people who would like to present five minute presentation on their OTPs, OT3s (4s or mores!). - What can I offer?
Encouragement, putting you in touch with the other people, and space to squee about your precious OTPs.
What the filk: Fandom song writing
- What do I want?
A content creator to run some sort of interactive session on fandom song writing. - What can I offer?
This one really isn't my area of expertise, so I'm looking for someone to take a fairly independent role.
Fan Art Session
- What do I want?
A content creator who is also some form of active fan artist, willing to put together and run a session covering some aspect of fan art, in whatever format suits them. - What can I offer?
This isn't really my area of fandom expertise, so I'm generally looking to take a back seat for this session.
Fandom blogging: from fyeah! to texts from the fandom to IC blogging
- What do I want?
A content creator to run a session relating to fandom blogging, taking whatever slant and format appeals to them. - What can I offer?
I've run a few in character blogs, and can speak on that as part of a panel, if required, or to moderate if required but I'm happy to hand this one off.
Creating FMVs 101
- What do I want?
A content creator willing to do a teaching session for beginners on how to create fan-vids. - What can I offer?
I know absolutely nothing about how to make fan videos, so I can't be much help for this one, sorry!
Fan vid show & tell
- What do I want?
Someone to run a session where people have five minutes to show either their favourite fan-video or a fan video that they've made, and talk about why it’s so excellent. - What can I offer?
This seems like a one person role, but I'm totally up for being one of the show-and-tellers.
Cosplay meet larp!
- What do I want?
An experienced larper willing to help out; engaging people who might be shy or nervous and keep things running, preferably in friendly NPC form. - What can I offer?
I'll be doing much the same, and will give you the guidelines, and take care of the set up.
Playing your faves: making and modding your own fandom table top systems
- What do I want?
A content creator to run a session on how to make and mod roleplaying systems to fit fandoms, as either a how-to or a discussion? - What can I offer?
I'm familiar with modding Monsterhearts and some World of Darkness stuff, if that's useful.
Jumping mediums: The challenges of creating fan works outside of the original media
- What do I want?
A content creator to run the session who has some sort of experience of creating fandom works outside of the original media. The session can be a panel, discussion group or similar. - What can I offer?
I write fan-fic based on television, film and comics, if that's any help for a panel or similar.
Young Adult fan workers
- What do I want?
A young adult (or group of young adults) who wants to run a session for young adults about fan workings. The exact focus and format of the session is up to you, but in order to make it inclusive it should relate to a broad range of fandoms (so, not, for example, solely focusing on Dr Who), and should be around a PG rating. It can be anything; a crafting session, a discussion, a set of short talks, etc. The session will be for young adults only. - What can I offer?
An unobtrusive adult in the corner in case of any problems or emergencies, but otherwise, this would be your space.
Femme Slash
- What do I want?
We've included a generalised session around femme-slash every year, and this year I'd love to feature something a little more focused. If you have a proposal for a session about a certain aspect of femme-slash that is accessible to people from a wide variety of fan-bases then I'd love to hear from you. - What can I offer?
I write and read bit of femme-slash, but I don't consider myself an expert, so while I'd be willing to act as a mod or a helper for a writing workshop I'm leaving the captain's chair for you, and would probably feel out of my depth on a panel.
How do I submit an idea or get involved?
My name's Ollie Starr, I'm this year's fanworks advocate, and I would love to hear from you at ollies@nineworlds.co.uk. Vague thoughts, offers of help, taking up requests in the big list above; all are gratefully received.