The schedule has details on rooms and times for ticketed sessions.
Still available
- Learn to code this Sunday - places have re-opened! You'll need to bring a laptop.
- Take part in a gin tasting on Friday night!
- Monsterclass - Public Reading: Training and Tips - As this workshop is particularly small and focussed, we ask prospective participants to sign up in advance by emailing allofthebooks@nineworlds.co.uk. The only equipment you will need is a copy of your own work.
- Games with James Wallis - Play "Once Upon A Time" and "Baron von Munchausen" with the creator - There are two sessions available - check times on the schedule. If you're interested in playing, please email socialgaming@nineworlds.co.uk to reserve a place. On the day, check at the info desk to find out if there is space available!
- Volunteering - go to the volunteer spawn point (handily marked on your map of the venue) and join our crew of stewards, gophers
and trained killers.
No longer available
- Women's self defence - Sign ups were taken through an online form and advertised in the newsletter.
- Water dance with Miltos - Tickets for both swordplay workshops with Miltos, who plays Syrio Forel in Game of Thrones, are now sold out. He'll still be around as part of the wider convention though.
- Film festival - The competition has finished and films on show have been announced. Applications were via FilmFreeway.