The following recommendations come from the panellists, audience members and volunteers of the ALL OF THE BOOKS track at Nine Worlds 2014. Where possible, these were captured during the actual discussions -- which is why many may seem slightly tangential to the stated topic!
As with all reading lists, these are meant to be the beginning of a journey, and not exhaustive.
African SF/F
Marguerite Abouet – Aya De Yopougon
Ayodele Arigbabu - Lagos 2060
Lauren Beukes - Zoo City
Dilman Dila (ed.) - A Killing in the Sun
D. O. Fagunwa - Forest of a Thousand Daemons (translated by Wole Soyinka)
Charlie Human - Apocalypse Now Now
Louis Greenberg - Dark Windows
Milumbe Haimbe - Ananiya the Revolutionist
Ivor Hartmann (ed.) - AfroSF (Vols 1 & 2)
Lily Herne – Deadlands Trilogy
Tendai Huchu - The Hairdresser of Harare
Karen Jayes - For the Mercy of Water
Karen Jennings (ed.) - Feast, Potluck and Famine
Jungle Jim (magazine)
Kwani? (magazine)
Kojo Laing - Vacancy for the Post of Jesus Christ and Woman of the Aeroplanes
Alain Mabanckou - Memoirs of a Porcupine
Karen Martin and Makhosazana Xaba (ed) - Queer Africa
Zakes Mda - Ways of Dying, The Whale Caller and The Heart of Redness
Thando Mgqolozana - Hear Me Alone
Kgebetli Moele - The Book of the Dead and Room 207
Phaswane Mpe – Welcome to Our Hillbrow
Nnedi Okorafor – Akata Witch, Zahrah the Windseeker and Lagoon
Ben Okri - The Famished Road
Deji Olukotun - Nigerians in Space
Diriye Osman - Fairytales for Lost Children
Helen Oyeyemi - Boy, Snow, Bird
Nii Parkes - Tail of the Blue Bird
Short Story Day Africa - Terra Incognita
Something Wicked (magazine)
Amos Tutuola - The Palm-wine Drinkard and My Life in the Bush of Ghosts
Binyavanga Wainaina - One Day I Will Write About This Place
Rachel Zadok – Sister Sister
And more here: http://nickwood.frogwrite.co.nz/?p=1093
Pat Cadigan - Mindplayers
Anne Charnock - A Calculated Life
Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson - Transmetropolitan
William Gibson - Neuromancer and Pattern Recognition
Paul McAuley - Fairyland
Chris Moriarty - Spin State
Laurie Penny - Cybersexism
Marge Piercy - Woman on the Edge of Time
Richard Paul Russo - Destroying Angel
James Smythe - No Harm May Come to a Good Man
Neal Stephenson - The Diamond Age
Bruce Sterling - Distraction
Bruce Sterling (ed.) - Mirrorshades
Janine Ellen Young - Cinderblock
Dragons vs Werewolves vs Vampires vs Warlocks (Debate)
Elizabeth Bear - “Snow Dragons”
“Blood and Chocolate” (Film)
Gail Carriger - The Parasol Protectorate series
Barbara Hambly - Dragonsbane
Joanne Harris - The Evil Seed
Scott Lynch - “The Effigy Engine” (from Fearsome Journeys)
Scott Lynch - Gentlemen Bastards series
George RR Martin - Fever Dream
Robin McKinley - The Hero and the Crown
Naomi Novik - Temeraire
Tim Powers - The Anubis Gates
The Shadow
Epic Fantasy
Katherine Addison - The Goblin Emperor
Elizabeth Bear - Range of Ghosts
Steven Brust - Vlad Taltos series
Kate Elliott - Crown of Starts series
Nicola Griffiths - Hild
Barbara Hambly - Dragonsbane
Geraldine Harris - Seven Citadels
N.K. Jemisin - The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
Dianna Wynne Jones - Chrestomanci series
Guy Gavriel Kay - Lions of Al-Rassan
Katherine Kurtz - Deryni series
Noel Langley - The Land of Green Ginger
Ursula K. LeGuin - Earthsea series
Rebecca Levene - Smiler’s Fair
Scott Lynch - “A Year and a Day in Old Theradane” (from Rogues)
Patricia McKillip - Riddlemaster trilogy
Nnedi Okorafor - Who Fears Death
Den Patrick - The Boy with the Porcelain Blade
Gaie Sebold - Babylon Steel
Gail Simone - Red Sonja
Fairytales and Folklore
Lauren Beukes - Fables: Fairest
Angela Carter - Virago Book of Fairy Tales
John Connolly - The Book of Lost Things
Filipino Myths and Fairytales
Joanne Harris - The Gospel of Loki
Dorothy Hosford - Thunder of the Gods
James Joyce - Ulysses
Rochita Loenen-Ruiz - “Waking the God of the Mountain” (in Mothership: Tales of Afrofuturism)’
Rochita Loenen-Ruiz - “Of the Liwat’ang Yawa, the Litok-litok and their Prey” (on the Weird Fiction Review)
Nelson Mandela - Nelson Mandela’s Favorite African Folktales
Zachary Mason - Lost Books of the Odyssey
Penny Miller - Myths and Legends of Southern Africa
Marina Warner - From the Beast to the Blonde
Likeable Bad Guys
Joe Abercrombie - The First Law series
Sophia Bennett - You Don’t Know Me
Anna Caltabiano - The Seventh Miss Hatfield
Frances Hardinge - Cuckoo’s Song
Thomas Harris - Red Dragon
The Joker
Rebecca Levene - Smiler’s Fair
Jeff Lindsay - Dexter series
Den Patrick - The Boy with the Porcelain Blade
KJ Parker - The Folding Knife
Megan Whelan Turner - The Thief
Looking Backwards
Brian Aldiss - The Malacia Tapestry
Gail Carriger - The Parasol Protectorate
Amelia Edwards - A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
John J. Johnston (ed.) - Unearthed
Jane Loudon - The Mummy, Or a Tale of the 22nd Century
Michael Moorcock - Gloriana
Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Kim Newman - Anno Dracula
Jared Shurin (ed.) - Irregularity
Jared Shurin (ed.) - The Book of the Dead
Jacques Tardi - Adele Blanc-Sec
Looking Forwards
Max Barry - Lexicon
Lauren Beukes - Moxyland
Anne Charnock - A Calculated Life
Kim Curran - Glaze
Philip K. Dick - A Scanner Darkly
Jennifer Egan - Look at Me
Warren Ellis - Gun Machine
Fabio Fernandes (ed.) - We See a Different Frontier
William Gibson - Neuromancer
Nick Harkaway - Tigerman
Alan Krell - The Devil’s Rope: A Cultural History of Barbed Wire
Michael Lewis - Flash Boys
Sarah Lotz - The Three
China Miéville - The City and the City
Alan Moore and David Lloyd - V for Vendetta
Evgeny Morozov - To Save Everything Click Here
Patrick Ness - The Chaos Walking trilogy
Adam Smith - The Wealth and Poverty of Nations
Neil Stephenson - The Baroque Cycle
Mark Stevenson - An Optimist’s Tour of the Future
Charles Stross - Accelerando
Philip Zimbardo - The Lucifer Effect
Love and Sex
V.C. Andrews - Flowers in the Attic
Jean Auel - The Clan of the Cave Bear
Lois McMaster Bujold - Shards of Honour
Diana Gabaldon - Outlander
Sophia McDougall - Romanitas trilogy
Helena S. Paige - A Girl Walks into a Bar
Catherynne Valente - Palimpsest and Silently and Very Fast
Megan Abbott
Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips - Criminal and Fatale
Jim Butcher - The Dresden files
James M. Cain
“Chinatown” (film)
James Ellroy - The L.A. Quartet
Sara Gran - Dope
Ross MacDonald - The Chill
Sarah Paretsky
“The Thin Man” (film)
Jim Thompson
Chuck Wendig - Blackbirds
School Stories
Malorie Blackman - Noughts and Crosses series
Frances Hodgson Burnett - The Little Princess
Gail Carriger - Etiquette and Espionage
Roald Dahl - Matilda
Pamela Dean - Tam Lin
Antonia Forest - The Marlow series
William Golding - Lord of the Flies
Lev Grossman - The Magicians
Elizabeth Hand - Waking the Moon
Diana Wynne Jones - anything
Jan Mark - Hairs in the Palm of The Hand
Richelle Mead - Vampire Academy
New X-Men
Ruth Ozeki - A Tale for the Time Being
J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter series
Karuho Shiina - Kimi Ni Todoke
Donna Tartt - The Secret History
Chika Umino - Honey and Clover
Emma Vieceli and Malin Ryden - Breaks
Jo Walton - Among Others
Ships, Clocks and Stars
Richard Dunn and Rebekah Higgit - Finding Longitude (Collins, 2014)
Patricia Fara - Fatal Attraction: Magnetic Mysteries of the Enlightenment (Icon, 2005)
Kate Grenville - The Lieutenant
Edward Everett Hale - The Brick Moon
Roslynn D. Haynes - From Faust to Strangelove: Representations of the Scientist in Western Literature (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994)
Richard Holmes - Age of Wonder: How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science (London, 2009)
David Mitchell - Cloud Atlas
Thomas Pynchon - Mason & Dixon
Larry Stewart - The Rise of Public Science (Cambridge, 1992)
Thomas Swift - Gulliver’s Travels
Superheroes and Superhuman
Djibril al-Ayad (ed.) - Outlaw Bodies
Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming - Powers
Orson Scott Card - Ender’s Game and Ender’s Shadow
Michael Chabon - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
Cassandra Clare - Mortal Instruments series
Warren Ellis and John Cassaday - Planetary
Neil Gaiman - Sandman
Austin Grossman - Soon I Will Be Invincible
Nick Harkaway - Tigerman
Nancy Kress - Beggars in Spain
George RR Martin (ed.) - The Wild Cards series
Alan Moore and Brian Bolland - The Killing Joke
Taran Matharu - The Summoner
Will McIntosh - Defenders
Barry Nugent - Unseen Shadows
Stephanie Saulter - Gemsigns
V.E. Schwab - Vicious
Gail Simone - Wonder Woman
Lavie Tidhar - The Violent Century
Robert Warshaw - The Media Experience
Brian Wood and Becky Cloonan - Demo
Time Travel
Douglas Adams - The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Kate Atkinson - Life After Life
Lauren Beukes - The Shining Girls
Paul Cornell - Doctor Who: Human Nature
Charles Dickens - A Christmas Carol
Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá - Day Trippers
Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons - Watchmen
Simon Guerrier - Doctor Who: The Time Travellers
Audrey Niffenegger - The Time Traveler’s Wife
Claire North - The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August
H.G. Wells - The Time Machine
Urban Fantasy
Ben Aaronovitch - Peter Grant mysteries
Philipa Bornikova - This Case is Going to Kill Me
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (television)
Jim Butcher - Dresden Files
Paul Cornell - London Falling
Ed Cox - The Relic Guild
Diane Duane - Young Wizards series
Laure Eve - Fearsome Dreamer
Neil Gaiman - American Gods and Neverwhere
Alan Garner - Red Shift
Kate Griffin - The Matthew Swift and Magicals Anonymous series
Benedict Jacka - Fated
Francis Knight - Fade to Black
Sergey Lukyanenko - Night Watch
Scott Lynch - The Lies of Locke Lamora
China Miéville - UnLunDun
Emma Newman - Split Worlds
Daniel Polansky - The Straight Razor Cure
Tom Pollock - Skyscraper Throne trilogy
Laini Taylor - Daughter of Smoke and Bone
Jason Aarons and R.M. Guera - Scalped
Clifton Adams - Savage Breed
Isabella Bird - A Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains
“Blazing Saddles” (film)
Kelly Sue DeConnick and Emma Rios - Pretty Deadly
Patrick DeWitt - The Sisters Brothers
“Django Unchained” (film)
Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon - Preacher
Joanne Harris - Chocolat
Will Hill - The Sad Tale of the Deakins Boys (from A Town Called Pandemonium)
Stark Holborn - Nunslinger
John Hornor Jacobs - The Incorruptibles
“Jeremiah Johnson” (film)
Stephen King - The Dark Tower
Elmore Leonard - The Western Novels of Elmore Leonard
“Little Big Man” (film)
Cormac McCarthy - Blood Meridian and The Road
Larry McMurtry - Lonesome Dove
“Shanghai Noon” (film)
David Towsey - Your Brother’s Blood
“Unforgiven” (film)
Writing the Inhuman
Peter S Beagle - The Last Unicorn
Holly Black - The Coldest Girl in Coldtown
Gail Carriger - The Parasol Protectorate
Arthur C. Clarke - Rendezvous with Rama
Jack Cohen and Ian Stewart - Evolving the Legend
Michael de Larrabeiti - The Borribles
Glen Duncan - The Last Werewolf
Laure Eve - Fearsome Dreamer
Mary Gentle - Grunts!
Will Hill - Department 19 series
Kameron Hurley - God’s War
Franz Kafka - Metamorphosis
H.P. Lovecraft - The Colour Out of Space
Mur Lafferty - The Shambling Guide to New York City
Richard Matheson - I am Legend
Sophia McDougall - Mars Evacuees
China Miéville - Embassytown and Perdido Street Station
Den Patrick - The War-Fighting Manuals
Tim Powers - The Stress of Her Regard
Adrian Tchaikovsky - Shadows of the Apt series
Jennifer Williams - The Copper Promise
Djibril al-Ayad and Fabio Fernandes (ed.) - We See a Different Frontier
Lauren Beukes - Moxyland
Kate Bornstein - Nearly Roadkill
Kim Curran - Shift and Glaze
Nick Harkaway - Angelmaker
Laura Lam - False Hearts
China Miéville - The Scar
Richard Morgan - Black Man
Stephanie Saulter - Gemsigns
Benjanun Sriduangkaew - Scale Bright
M. Suddain - Theatre of the Gods
New Voices
Tiffani Angus - Threading the Labyrinth
Stephen Aryan - Battlemage
Anna Caltabiano - The Seventh Miss Hatfield
Anne Charnock - A Calculated Life
Chele Cooke - Fight or Flight
KT Davies - Breed
Vincent Holland-Keen - Billy’s Monsters
Stark Holborn - Nunslinger
Laura Lam - False Hearts
Taran Matharu - Summoner
Peter Newman - The Vagrant
Cleland Smith - Sequela
M. Suddain - Theatre of the Gods
Pete Sutton - Roadkill
Rhiannon Thomas - A Wicked Thing
Tade Thompson - The Last Pantheon
Angus Watson - Age of Iron
JY Yang - Harvestfruit
Monsterclass: Street Art
Banksy - Wall and Piece
Deadly Knitshade - Knit the City
Sarah Corbett - A Little Book of Craftivism
Roger Gastman - Street World: Urban Art and Culture from Five Continents
Betsy Greer - Craftivism: The Art of Craft and Activism
Carlo McCormick, Marc & Sara Schiller, Ethel Seno - Trespass: A History of Uncommissioned Urban Art
Lauren O’Farrell - Stitch New York and Stitch London
Richard Reynolds - On Guerilla Gardening
Slinkachu - Little People in the City and Global Model Village
Monsterclass: Marketing
David Allen - Getting Things Done
Mark Earls - Herd
Seth Godin - Tribes
Emanuel Rosen - Buzz
Jeff VanderMeer - Booklife and Wonderbook
Chuck Wendig - The Kick-Ass Writer
Monsterclass: Creating Comics
Neill Cameron - How to Make Awesome Comics
Scott McCloud - Understanding Comics
Sarah McIntyre and Philip Reeve - Cakes in Space and Oliver and the Seawigs
Luke Pearson - Hilda and the Midnight Giant
Gary Northfield - Gary's Garden
Philippa Rice - We're Out
Jamie Smart - Bunny vs Monkey
Monsterclass: Mental Illness Primer for Speculative Fiction Creators
See here - http://tadethompson.wordpress.com/2014/08/20/mental-illness-primer-for-s...
Monsterclass: Archeological Worldbuilding
Debbie Challis - The Archaeology of Race: The Eugenic Ideas of Francis Galton and Flinders Petrie
Creating Material Worlds - http://cmw-group.org
Monsterclass: Post-colonial SF
Daniel Older and Rose Fox (ed.) - Long Hidden
Andrea L. Bell and Yolanda Molina-Gavilán (ed.) - Cosmos Latinos
Nalo Hopkinson and Uppinder Mehan (ed.) - So Long Been Dreaming
Christie Yant (ed.) - Women Destroy Science Fiction
Lavie Tidhar (ed.) - The Apex Book of World SF (3 vols)
Ayodele Arigbabu (curator) - Lagos 2060
Edward Said - Orientalism
Alaya Dawn Johnson - The Summer Prince
Vandana Sing and Anil Menon (ed.) - Breaking the Bow
Ytasha L. Womack - Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Culture
Bill Campbell (ed.) - Mothership: Tales from Afrofuturism and Beyond
Ivor Hartmann (ed.) - Afrosf: Science Fiction by African Writers
Grace Dillon (ed.) - Walking the Clouds: An Anthology of Indigenous Science Fiction
Fabio Fernandes and Djibril al-Ayad (ed.) - We See a Different Frontier
Monsterclass: Mummies
to come
Monsterclass: Nonlinear Narratives
to come