We're running a few meetup sessions for folks to socialise and get to know one another, both independently and under various tracks. Here's a handy list!
Families' Area and Bar Meetups
Families' Area
Every day, families' area in third floor Atrium, 9am - 9.45am
We're a families' area set up in one corner of the main third floor Atrium: look for the space with the brightly coloured, squishy beanbags and toys. This is available as a drop-in area throughout the convention: there'll always be a staff member there to say hello, and we'll also be running a dedicated meetup in the space at 9am every day.
Cosplay Positivity: Meet and Mingle!
Ground floor Bijou Bar, Friday, 10.30am - 11.15am, with Ollie Starr
Are a homesick Homestruck troll? A friendless Frank N Furter? Or just a social Spiderman? Whether you’re a nervous newbie (or would-bie) looking for a bit of encouragement, or a confident cosplayer looking to make friends with other people who like to dress up, this is the space for you! Come and grab a coffee or a snack and trade compliments, costume tips and the stories about the triumphs and frustrations that went into making your costumes for this weekend!
New Peoples' Meetup
Ground floor Bijou Bar, Friday and Satuday, 11.30am - 1.00pm, with Emma Newman
New to Nine Worlds? Some folks find that meeting friendly faces can help them a whole lot in feeling secure and settled in. Join experienced con-goer and anxiety-wrangler, Emma Newman, for a relaxed cuppa and a chat in the ground-floor Bijou Bar: Friday and Saturday, 11.30am - 1.00pm. You can also chat with Emma on @EmApocalyptic. Looking forward to seeing you!
Tracks' Events
Loads of our tracks are also running welcome parties and social events. This list is for social, relaxed things: do read the individual track pages, and the Evening Entertainments list, for parties, including the BiFröst cabaret, #PROMNADO, the Queen tribute band, and so, so much more.
6.45pm - 10pm
Fan Fic: Welcome Games and Vids: fic and word games, accompanied by favourite fanvids
Room 41
8pm - 10pm
Food Track: Cheese & Cheese! Eating, talking, and getting to know each other
Room 38
10am - 11.15am
Fanfic: Welcome Tea Party: tea, squee, and introductions
County B
11am - 1pm
Geek Feminism: Open Session With Tea
Connaught A
1.30pm - 2.45pm
Comics: Stark Tower Sleepover (Infinite Washing-Up Crisis)
Royal A
6:45pm - 8pm
LGBTQAI and Race & Culture: Tea Party
Connaught B
9.15am - 9.45am
ALL OF THE BOOKS: CoffeeKitsch: brought to you by The Kitschies
County C&D
10am - 11.15am
Knitting: Nine Worlds Stitch n Babble
Room 40
10am - 11.15am
ASOIAF: Sewing Circle (and colouring!)
Room 32
10.15pm - 11.30pm
Creative Writing: Feedback Among Friends
County A
9.15am - 9.45am
ALL OF THE BOOKS: CoffeeKitsch: brought to you by The Kitschies
County C&D