New to Nine Worlds? Some folks find that meeting friendly faces can help them a whole lot in feeling secure and settled in. Several of our friendly, seasoned con-goers have made themselves available for a cup of tea and a chat, anytime a new person would like company. If you see someone wearing a bright "New Person Welcomer" badge, this means they're very happy to be approached by socially nervous new folks and to chat anytime.
Experienced con-goer and anxiety wrangler, Emma Newman, will also be running meetups in the bar, for a relaxed cuppa and a chat with other nervous new people. All are very welcome: 11.30am, Friday and Saturday, at the ground-floor Bijou Bar. You can also chat with us on twitter in advance: with Emma here, or with HQ @London_Geekfest, or using #nineworlds. Looking forward to seeing you!