Note: these are centrally organised events that aren't under tracks. The tracks are also doing loads of amazing evening ents: have a browse through the track pages to see the full schedule! As you can see, most of the centrally organised things are on Friday night: Saturday night is primarily for the tracks' events. See you there!
Rock Club London - rock out with Rock Band karaoke
10pm - 12am
Commonwealth East
The Mechanisms – steampunk pirate sci-fi musical cabaret retellings of fairy tales. In space.
6:30pm to 8:30pm
Commonwealth East
The Nine Worlds Party
This year's theme is Flash Gordon vs. the Highlander, featuring Rhapsody, the UK's top Queen tribute band
10pm to 11:30pm
Commonwealth East
80's Disco – All-Cheese Dance Party
11:30 to 2am
Commonwealth East
Speed Friending - with Geek Chic*
8.30pm - 10.30pm
Royal C&D
Only a Moment – Quiz show with Paul Cornell
8:30pm -10pm
Room 38
Quantum Battlestar Deep-Space Voyager Tardis Wars: The Million Dollar Space Epic
Sci-fi comedy skits
8.00pm - 9.30pm
Commonwealth East
Robot Woman of Tomorrow – Science comedian Helen Keen
8:30pm – 9:30pm
Commonwealth East
* About:
A quiz based speed-friending event. Want to meet other geeks and make new friends? Then this speed-friending evening from London Geek Chic is for you. You will work in small teams to answer geekdom and science questions and you can choose to stay with the team or defect to other teams, or all team members scatter, as you wish. Bottom line is, you need others to find all the answers, so you need to confer; and you want to make new friends, so you want to share... but there can only be one winner! Are you a lover or a deceiver? Please note the maximum number is (50) participants so please do arrive early to register for your place. Registration opens at 8.30pm, event starts at 9.00pm.