We're running a whole lot of content this year designed for under-12s and their adults to enjoy together. It's not all finalised just yet, but here's a partial list of things that will be happening, to start us off.
As well as these programme items, we'll have a kid-friendly area set up in the main central Atrium. We'll have crafty materials, games, storytelling, and lots more: the idea is that kids can enjoy it, and their adults can supervise while still getting to socialise. Look for the are with the big brightly-coloured beanbags.
There'll also be private babysitting available to book via the hotel. Details soon!
Philip Reeve & Sarah McIntyre: CAKES IN SPACE!
Robots! Spaceships! Killer Cupcakes! Batty Battenbergs!
Explore the furthest reaches of storytelling and drawing with this space-suited dream team!
The bestselling authors of Oliver and the Seawigs turn their attention to outer space in their new book CAKES IN SPACE. Grab your pencil and get set for zany adventure, in this stage show / creative masterclass / collaborative singing / storytelling spectacular! #CakesinSpace
Sunday, 11.45am, Room 38
Creative Writing Workshops - with Quen Took
Small-group creative writing workshops in which under-12s can experiment with storytelling. Please sign up for these workshops in advance: we'll run those that have interest!
Little Imps - 4-7
A creative workshop centred around the creation of characters and stories as a group, with the aim of working together to create a short story by the end of the session. Participants will be encouraged to use their imaginations and hopefully will go away with their creative juices flowing freely!
Wizards-In-Training - 8-10
We'll begin by writing a short story as a group, with each person adding to the story as we go along. Participants will then be encouraged to work either in groups or individually to write their own flash fiction, with support from the group leader and small prizes for the best work.
Dragon Tamers - 10-12
Beware, here be monsters! This workshop will focus on the development of heroes and villains, starting with a group discussion of what makes for truly interesting and unique characters, and allowing participants the time to develop their own ideas, characters, and stories. There will be the opportunity to read their work aloud, and small prizes will be offered for the best work.
About: Quen Took is a tubby, scruffy, Devon-based writer, nerd, wannabe hobbit, and performance poet, with a keen interest in how the next generation will shape the future of fantastical fiction. He has worked with, and performed for, young adults and children, and is the much put-upon servant of a beautiful tortoiseshell cat.
(Quen's also running workshops for young adults: details soon!)
Programme from Tracks
(lots more to come!)
Comics For Kids (and their adults) - with the comics track
Saturday 3.15pm - 5.00pm
Write scripts, draw pictures, desperately attempt to get people to submit things before the end of the session - all as we conduct a serious scientific experiment into how to make the funny pages work.
Fanfic for Children: what happens next? Making up your own stories - with the Fanfic track. (time tbc)
A reprise of last year's successful discussion and workshop centred on fanfiction for pre-teens. Many fanfic writers begin writing fic at an early age, though we don't know that that's what we're doing. What happens next? What if a character from this film met a character from that book? What would this hero be doing if they'd been born in the contemporary, mundane world? We'll also talk about best practices with adults: many pre-teens also want to read fanfiction. What are the best (and safest) sites for them to visit? Are apps like NetNanny at all useful for toning down fic content?
Gory Make-Up
We're bringing back the phenomenally popular Stage Wounds workshops from last year! We'll once again be hosting two kid-friendly sessions: one on Friday evening, one on Saturday morning.
Introduction to Ickiness: Basic Wounds Workshop One - Bruises and Superficial Cuts
time tbc
After a short demo explaining the theory, everyone can have a go, with advice along the way on bringing realism to your work. We'll round off the session with a more advanced effect you might want to bring out for your next Halloween costume, a deep, painful-looking vampire bite.
Age suitability: PG – children are very welcome but be advised this is a wound workshop. There will be (fake) blood.
Introduction to Ickiness: Basic Wounds Workshop Two - Burns and Bruises
time tbc
After a short demo explaining the theory, everyone can have a go, with advice along the way on bringing realism to your work. We'll round off the session with a more advanced effect; this time we're doing an infected knife wound.
Age suitability: PG – children are welcome but be advised this is a wound workshop. There will be (fake) blood.
Another wave of kids' content coming soon: in the meantime, do email us on prog@nineworlds.co.uk if you're interested in running something, or in helping out with the kids' area.