Science! Going where no human has dared go before! Science! Join us to hear just a few of these brave and intrepid explorers share their stories about the unknown, the unusual and the totally awesome! Science! What will our relationships look like in twenty years' time? When will we be able to colonise space? And can mathematics really save us from the upcoming zombie apocalypse? Get all the talk details on the main track page here, and see you there!
Future Sex: what will sex and relationships look like in twenty years' time? with Meg Barker
Brave New Worlds: exploring new planets, with Marek Kukula
Could Saturn's Moons Support Life? with Leah-Nani Alconcel
Diffusion Of The Dead: mathematically modelling the zombie apocalypse, with Thomas Woolley
Infrared Astronomy, and the Herschel Space Observatory, with David L Clements
Science Fact or Science Fiction? Exploring the science in classic sci-fi films, with Brendan Owens