Ever tried dressing as a zombie but struggled to get authentic-looking injuries? Perhaps you'd like to enhance the realism for a play or video? Fancy recreating the special effects from your favourite scary movies? Join independent filmmakers Fabienne Styles and Eleanor Grieveson to create your very own gory cuts, bruises, burns and lots more! After a demonstration to explain the theory, participants can have a go at creating wounds, with advice on realism along the way. Each session will round off with a demonstration of something advanced and rather special. See you there!
Blood and Guts 101
Bruises and superficial cuts - after a short demo explaining the theory, everyone can have a go, with advice along the way on bringing realism to your work. We'll round off the session with a more advanced effect you might want to bring out for your next Halloween costume, a deep, realistic vampire bite.
Age suitability: PG – children are welcome but be advised this is a wound workshop. There will be (fake) blood.
Blood and Guts 201
Burns and bruises - after a short demo explaining the theory, everyone can have a go, with advice along the way on bringing realism to your work. We'll round off the session with a more advanced effect; this time we're doing an infected knife wound.
Age suitability: PG – children are welcome but be advised this is a wound workshop. There will be (fake) blood.
Advanced Gore
Advanced burns and bruises - after a short demo explaining the theory, everyone can have a go, with advice along the way on bringing realism to your work. We'll round off the session with a more advanced effect; a gruesome flesh wound sure to horrify your friends this Halloween.
Age suitability: 15 – the effects we're demonstrating in this session may be a little gory for those who are younger or are easily disturbed.
Advanced Gore 2
Advanced bruises and deep cuts that look real - after a short demo explaining the theory, everyone can have a go, with advice along the way on bringing realism to your work. We'll round off our final session with a more advanced effect; we're not going to tell you what it is yet, let's just call it “Red Wedding”...
Age suitability: 15 – the effects we're demonstrating today may be a little gory for those who are younger or are easily disturbed.
Your Special Effects Masterminds
Fabienne Styles
Fabby is technically a doctor but is happiest behind a camera, writing, directing and producing in her free time. Her first feature film, Villainy (a black comedy musical that NineWorlders will love) is currently in post-production. She's a polygeek with +50 to Whedon and Tolkien, and makes steampunk and fused-glass jewellery amongst many other things. Do come and say hello, she'll be around all weekend!
Eleanor Grieveson
Ele has been playing with stage makeup since one Halloween many years ago where she turned half her friends into zombies. Since then she’s been involved in several plays with the Oxford University Light Entertainment Society and a few other groups. Working on a stage production of Dracula and the filming of Villainy has given her plenty of practice at killing and maiming people (in a purely superficial aesthetic capacity obviously)! Check out some of her make-up work here.