Nine Worlds final 24 hours party

To celebrate the final 24 hour countdown of our Kickstarter crowd-funding drive, we're having a Geekfest party. And all of our supporters are welcome.

From 19:30 to 21:30, we'll be entertained by the amazing space pirate steampunk band The Mechanisms. Do note that the Mechs will finish their gig at 21:30, so do come early to enjoy the show. (7pm would be a smart time to get there)

After the Mechs finish, there'll be dancing and socialising and good chatting with fellow Nine Worlds enthusiasts.

Bring your own drinks, and we'll provide nibbles.

Come, have a good time, enjoy some awesome live music and story-telling. Party Geekfest Style.

Let us know if you're planning on coming, so we can keep an eye on numbers. There's a Facebook event you can sign up for, or just tweet / email / poke us in some way.

And if you haven't backed our kickstarter, now would be an awesome time to:

And support The Mechanisms with their crowd-funding drive to cut a new album:

See you there!
