David Leach discusses Humour in Comics. David Leach is a British cartoonist who started writing and drawing Psycho Gran for the classic 1980s UK kid's comic Oink! Went on to co-write and co-illustrate an issue of the Toxic Crusaders for Marvel US. For the cult British comic Toxic! he co-wrote and co-illustrated The Driver and scripted and illustrated The Dinner Ladies From Hell. For British humour titles Gas and UT he scripted and illustrated Arthur Pilkington, Chartered Barbarian and Edith Appleby: OAP Warrior for Brain Damage. Leach has also scripted Spider-Man newspaper strips for the UKs Funday Times, Ren and Stimpy for the Young Telegraph and Wallace and Gromit for Titan. He's also written for Casper the Friendly Ghost, Action Man and LEGO Adventures. As a former Marvel UK editor, Leach edited and scripted Ren and Stimpy, Beavis and Butt-head, The Glam Metal Detectives and Rugrats. Currently at Titan Magazines where he's the editor and show runner of the Sun's Wallace and Gromit newspaper strip, as well as editor of Lenore and the UK SpongeBob SquarePants magazine and SpongeBob Comics. In 2011, Leach returned to Psycho Gran for Nemi magazine, Spirit of Hope (Japanese Tsunami appeal book 2011), Lenore issue 3 and David Lloyd's digital only comic Aces Weekly (issue 5). In 2012 David wrote his first gag for Private Eye!