Born in London, raised in Hong Kong, Liverpool and Saskatchewan, Naomi Foyle spent her twenties and thirties indulging a chronic case of wanderlust. Over the course of her travels she has joined demonstrations in Chiapas and East Jerusalem, taught EFL in South Korea and creative writing at The Freedom Theatre (Jenin), opened her third eye in a yoga ashram in Nepal, and read Tarot cards in Goa, Dubai and NYC. Settled (-ish) in Brighton now, since 2008 she has published two poetry collections, The Night Pavilion and The World Cup; and three SFF novels: cyberchiller Seoul Survivors; and Astra and Rook Song, being the first two books of The Gaia Chronicles, an eco-SF series set in a post-fossil fuel parallel Mesopotamia. Also a human rights activist, Naomi is the co-founder of British Writers in Support of Palestine. For her poetry and essays about Ukraine, she was awarded the 2014 Hryhorii Skovoroda Prize.