Mo Holkar has been designing games – board games, card games, roleplaying games, strategy games, online games, you name it – for more than 20 years now. His main current interests are in downloadable murder mystery party games, with freeformgames.com; and the many faces of larp, especially chamber larp and freeform at the progressive/Nordic end. His recent larp designs include Women on the Verge…, None but the Brave (with Traci Whitehead), Keep it in the Family, Queen of Denial (with Nickey Barnard), The Outsiders (with Cat Tobin), and Café Incognito (for the Golden Cobra anthology). Mo is a member of The Game Kitchen group, brewing up tasty games in London on a monthly basis. Mo will be speaking at Nine Worlds about theatre larp in general, and about diversity in larp.