irisbleufic has been writing stories and meta in various online fandoms since 1999. Perhaps best known for her content creation in such fandoms as Good Omens, Pacific Rim, Sherlock, Hot Fuzz, and in those attached to various modern and classic literary sources (Everything Is Illuminated, The Great Gatsby, Hamlet, La Chanson de Roland, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, et al.), she is both widely read and frequently consulted on a number of topics ranging from in-depth canon analysis to writing and editorial methodology. This is her first Nine Worlds, and she is extremely pleased to be attending as a Fanfiction Track panelist; past and ongoing regular convention appearances include Arisia, Readercon, and Shatterdome Atlanta. You can find her online at irisbleufic.tumblr.com and also at archiveofourown.org/users/irisbleufic