Anna Sky is a corset-loving, tea-drinking kinky British erotica writer. She's been published in various erotica anthologies as well as having self-published her own collection "Naughty Shorts" and she's the founder of The Kinky Brits, a spankingly good collective of British authors, and editor of Sexy Little Words. She regularly attends readings and erotica events in the UK but can also be found behind the dim light of her filthy Kindle late into the night, seeing what naughty words her fellow authors have come up with.
She pretends to be an adult during the day by formatting other authors’ work for digital and print distribution, as well as having been a web developer for twenty years (gulp!). Apart from that she’s (in no particular order) a geek, red wine drinker, poi hurler, Firefly fan, has a very dirty laugh and loves to perform research for her stories!
Track(s): Creative Writing