Theatre-style LARP is a live action non contact form of roleplaying game. Participants each have a single character, which they play in person (in our games costume is optional but encouraged). Each character has their own background, capabilities, and suggested goals, but there is no script. Players must decide for themselves how their characters would act, and the choices they make will influence the course of the game. Unlike combat LARPs, the emphasis is on talking to the other players, and no weapons or physical contact are involved.
Amnesia: A Supernatural Mystery
Friday 1.30pm - 3.30pm, Room 42
The end of the world is nigh.
You were meant to do something very, very important.
But you can only remember your own name. Who are these other people? Why are you trapped in a room together?
Find out if you are a hero or a villain. Join with others to discover your secret mission and decide the fate of the world.
The clock is ticking....
Written by Sarah Cook, of Firecat Masquerade
Doctor Nefarious and the Paradise Project
Friday 5.00pm - 7.00pm, Room 40
Welcome to the Paradise Island resort! A deluxe hotel resort set on an exotic Caribbean island, with discreet and capable staff ready to attend to your every need. Don’t miss visiting the Paradise Casino, the world’s premier destination for the rich and beautiful with time on their hands.
Deep beneath Paradise Island lies the secret lair of the infamous villain, Dr. Nefarious. From this underground base he gives the orders that make Presidents tremble. Here he makes the plans that will bring the free world to its knees. Well... he will when it’s finished. The lair got relocated to Paradise Island after the Swiss mountain chalet had that accident. And the tunnels aren’t all dug yet, mostly because CIA Agent Jim Broker snuck in through the casino and blew up the M.O.L.E. Machine. And the power plant isn't working yet. ...Still, the revised plans are more or less on schedule.
Dr. Nefarious is currently enjoying his regular anniversary holiday. And that satellite death ray had better be ready when he gets back.
May contain world domination, cloned dinosaurs, and death without warning by shark tank.
Written by Daniel Taylor, Su Jolly, Mike Snowden, Nick Curd and Clare Gardner. Players are welcome to drift in and out of the game throughout, as many characters are short-lived minions.
Theatre LARP Writing Workshop, Part One: Structure & Ideas Generation
Saturday, 11.45am, Room 40
Ever been curious about writing your own LARP?
The participants will write a basic LARP set in the Whedonverse. We'll talk you through the process, and show you a few tools and techniques. At the end of the session, we should have notes on characters, complete with goals, relationships, and plots, as well as a fair idea of where the game is set and how it should progress. Time to dust out all those fanfic ideas and see if you can shove them together! No previous experience required. Attendees can join in either or both of Part One or Part Two.
Theatre LARP Writing Workshop, Part Two: Playtest & Discussion
Sunday, 11.45am, Room 40
This is where people get to grab the collated version of the game we wrote in Part One, and have a go at playing it! After half an hour, we'll stop and discuss how it went, what worked and what didn't work, how the game might be edited, and how to achieve different variations, themes and styles. Watching people take something you wrote and make it real is a fantastic experience, and we really do recommend it. No previous experience required. Attendees can join in either or both of Part One or Part Two.