All are welcome at the knitting track, whether you're a curious newbie or a seasoned crafter. We'll be running beginners' knitting and socialising, hosting discussions on the politics of yarn craft, working out yarn-based cosplay, and even having a go at edible knitting!
Nine Worlds Stitch n Babble
10.00 - 11.15
Room 40
Social knitting and drop-in beginner's workshops
Bring your projects and get to know other knitters at Nine Worlds, or bring yourself and learn how to knit with needles and yarn provided. This is a drop-in session so feel free to turn up whenever.
Super Speedy Yarn Crafts
Room 40
Projects using needles, hooks, yarn and an hour
Finish a selection of projects within this hour long session and take your completed project home with you. Projects range from pom poms to granny squares to baby squid monsters. This session is kid-friendly and some of the projects can be easily picked up by non-crafters.
Political Needlepoints: how the craft resurgence has influenced social politics - with the Geek Feminism track
Connaught A
Stitch London's Lauren O'Farrell, and Royal Holloway's Laura Price, will discuss how the rise in craft's popularity relates to feminism and how needlecrafts can be used as a political tool. Audience will have a chance to contribute to the discussion, so bring yourselves and your questions! The discussion presupposes no specific crafting knowledge and non-crafters are welcome.
CosKnitting: knitting for cosplay and fanart
5:00 - 6.15
Room 40
Yarncrafts of all kind are sorely overlooked when it comes to cosplay. Do you have the world's most beautiful Jayne hat? Are you searching for the exact right stitch pattern for a medieval snood? Have you spent hours carefully replicating each stitch of Xander's most stylish jumpers? Come and show off your yarn-based costumes or fan-inspired items in our show and tell and swap your skills and tips. There's even a Super Special Mystery Prize for the winner in our Best Knitted Fan Item line-up!
Edible knitting: making cord bracelets from strawberry laces
6:45 - 8:00
Room 32
Come and make your own edible bracelets! We will be teaching you to make an icord bracelet from delicious strawberry laces. The icord is a simple technique which you should be able to master very quickly. And while bracelets will probably be gone soon (om nom nom) but the skill will stay with you forever. Kid-friendly (recommended 8+) but also very suitable for adults.
Brain of Knitain Quiz
8:30 - 9:45
Room 40
Form a crack team of Nine World's most knowledgeable knitters and compete against other crack teams of Nine World's other most knowledgeable knitters to become the Brain of Knitain. Last year's quiz was great fun with great prizes and this year promises more of the same. Not all questions will be yarn-based and non-knitters are welcome.