The T Party is a writers’ group based in London with members around the South East. The group was founded in 1994 by a lot of people whose names happened to begin with “T” and has been called The T Party ever since. We focus on “genre” fiction – mainly science fiction, fantasy and horror, although our members also write crime, romance and literary fiction, and there is a significant contingent interested in experimental and slipstream work.
Several of our members focus on young adult fiction. We are a physical group as well as a virtual one, meeting in central London every month to critique members’ stories in a friendly and constructive manner. Occasionally, we invite guest speakers to talk to us about the craft and business of writing.
In addition, members of The T Party meet up informally to write, chat and help each other out with specific projects, particularly novels, and we also organise writing retreats and other excursions. We take our writing seriously; members must demonstrate significant commitment to producing their own stories and critiquing others’. But we’re also friendly and supportive,
dedicated to helping each other to produce and market the best work possible.