Barry Nugent is a novelist and co-founder of the weekly podcast and blog Geek Syndicate, which focuses on all aspects of pop culture. Barry’s first novel ‘Paladin’ was published in 1999. In 2004, he self-published his next story, Unseen Shadows: Fallen Heroes, the first in a trilogy of novels. Overcoming the hurdles of being a self published book, Fallen Heroes went on to be stocked by several branches of Waterstones, including their flagship store in Piccadilly. In 2011 the Kindle version of Fallen Heroes was released and soon after became a number one bestseller on Amazon. The first issue of the comic adpatation of Fallen Heroes sold out upon in under an hour at its launch. Barry is currently writing ‘Forgotten Warriors’ the follow up to Fallen Heroes. He lives in Northampton with this partner Sue and their two cats/criminal masterminds Max and Frankie. He is also running the Nine Worlds Podcasting track.